
Use keyboard to save your time

Note: you can change all of this shortcuts in init js file.

Audio Player

See audio player here – element-audio-player

Play / Pause Shift + P
Forward Shift + Arrow right
Backward Shift + Arrow left
Volume Up Shift + Arrow Up
Volume Down Shift + Arrow down
Mute Shift + M
Loop Shift + L
Shuffle Shift + S
Show / Hide Playlist Shift + A
Pin / Unpin Shift + R

Secondary Navbars

Right Navbar alt + R
Left Navbar alt + L Will work on mobile sidebar (resize you window)
Fullscreen Navbar alt + F


Toggle Search S
Close Search Esc


Toggle Share N
Close Share Esc

Single Post

Works for single post and portfolio pages

Like L
Dislike D
Scroll to Comments C